Jan 20, 2020 By Brad


How to Master the Digital Prospecting Formula (And Why Most Advisers Fail)

There are a lot of qualified prospects seeking financial advice online.

So, why is it so hard to engage with prospects through digital channels?

The firms that have really cracked the code (think Ric Edelman, Ken Fisher, Robo-advisors, etc) are thriving and experiencing massive growth.

What’s their secret? Watch the recording above.

Snappy Kraken CEO Robert Sofia shares:

  • 3 things advisers do (all the time) that sabotage their results
  • 3 things successful advisers do consistently to drive lead flow and prospect conversion
  • How the client value journey ties into your success in marketing

Want to see where Snappy Kraken fits in with your digital prospecting? Click here to see a demo.